Saturday, April 28, 2007

12th DST Anniversary

Yes it's the aniversary of DST..12 years..i was with never know how was it...well i'm still here with them..

Attandance check guys...

Our COO during the interview oh his arrival

Kan b nasyid kah ne



Smile ladies...

Eh Ko pun ada nul.....

Some of the Staff

New Born James BOND

Our CEO on his welcoming speech

Control Ayu Beb...ishh..spoil cia tu kuar rambut..hehe

DJ Dean & Dj Yanti host of the ceremony

Awas makanan ah..lau saya nda ampit..awas kamu!....

Panjangkan lihir lu ...nah..idung ah...set set!!!

Kacaw jua pala dorng ani eh.......

All DJ Kristal Fm on stage perform the Jogeters....hahaha

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